Monday, June 3, 2019

Painting Table #8 2019

These last few weeks saw me focused on two things. First and the most time consuming was working through  two boxes of  many pre-loved junk lots. I am about 80% done them now. The big score was the massive number of marines out of the box for my two kids to paint up. The big score for me was a few models that should work well for gamma wolves.

Then on the painting front I took all 3 teams from base coats to finished. So now me and the kids can have 3 very different looking teams when we play.

More as I get it done and have the time.

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Painting Table #7 2019

Sorry for the long gap in posts. I have been trying to refocus my energies in general. Mainly towards hobby and family. So I have been avoiding the computer. So I have actually done a lot. So here is a small sample.

Did a lot of work helping build and get painted some of my oldest sons tyranids for kill team.

Built my kill teams from the box set.

Some knights for AT.
Finished off all the previously seen titans.

This is just a sample. I have built more models but have them stashed away. I also built 4 gundams for a new Gamma Wolves. I have also been gaming more with my kids. Which has left my desk and work area in the current mess. So one of my big jobs this weekend is to clean up my area. So I can get back to work with more painting and building.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Painting Table Update #6 2019

Didn't realize so much time had passed between posts. Here is a selection of what I have been up to over the past month or so.

First I built a few gates for gaslands. As well as a full set of templates and tokens. The kids and I even managed to get in two games.
Then lots of priming and some base coating. Followed by painting of my Titans.

To be honest there is still a ton more priming to do. With how bad the weather has been here air quality wise using my airbrush has been hard. So I have had to do a lot of it by hand. What's left to prime are all the arms and such for titans, the gates and another 50 or so models. But I started running out of space for drying stuff so decided to get some painting done first. Once I finish nailing down the basics for the titans I will run through them which will actually clear a good amount of space. Then the cars. At that point I should be able to either revisit the titans to finish off there arms and such or get back to work on the Test of honor stuff.

Will try to make sure to post more often.

Monday, February 18, 2019

Painting Table Update#5 2019

Not really any painting this week. I have continued on my building binge. Will do a mass basecoat either this or next weekend and then start painting again.
 Some mantic models I hope to use in various systems.
 Not sure if I showed the next batch of Test  of Honor guys.
Another batch of cars converted for Gaslands.

I plan on building more test of honor guys. This week and have at least 1 more vehicle to convert.
That is it for this past week.

Monday, February 11, 2019

Painting Update #4 2019

No real painting has happened the last few weeks. I have instead been building a lot.
First I built my blackstone fortress set and tried a game with my oldest for learning it.

Then we have all those Mercs miniatures I assembled.

Finally we have some gaslands cars that have been converted slightly.

I also finished taking the last of pictures for updating the blog. And have now updated all the current sections with there complete work.
That is it for this post more as I get it done.

Review: Redgrass Games Studio XL Wet Pallete

As the title says I am reviewing my newest wet pallet. The short and simple review is I love it and it is amazing. For  longer review look after the pretty picture.

There are a few main reasons I love this new wet pallet. To be clear I had 2 other wet pallets in the past. The first was a homemade disaster. The second was the bellow one from Privater press.

Now to be fair I still like my PP one but it has always had a few issues. First the original foam it came with was horrible. I tossed it and bought others quickly. The other problem I have had with it is the over sized paper that it was meant to be used with never moistened easily and often would get waterlogged. The final problem was nit really PP fault but the replacement foam had to be carefully cut otherwise it would screw up the pallet easily and it had to often be replaced since it would often go moldy. I also had the problem that during the summer I would have to constantly stop and refill the water during  painting session and then even still the paint seemed to dry a lot.

Now this new wet pallet has been rather amazing. I have been using it for almost a month now. Have yet to add more water or change the paper. The paint still works perfectly fine. The surface area is huge in comparison and in theory it can be doubled as well.  There has been no sings of mold and the paper evenly and completely moistened as well. The seal on the pallet is also incredibly strong. zi have yet to try traveling with this monster but bet it wouldn't leak.

The extra magnetic wavy has been a little use full but I wouldn't have gone out of my way to buy it.  It was use full for some ink at one point and has been a hand place to keep an extra brush or two while working as well.

Now, I would only recommend this pallet for people with a lot of space on there desk or who do a lot of custom mixing on pallet when painting. However, if there smaller pallet is a good as this I can easily recommend it. Actually, almost wish I had bought that one as well. But I am more than satisfied with this purchase.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Blog Update

I didnt get around to writing my review but will try and get that done before the end of this week. My children and I have spent most of the past week in the evenings sorting through and taking pictures of all of my stuff. We should be done with photos tomorrow and I have been updating the sections as I can. They aren't complete but most have some photos in them now. 40k and Necromunda are the only ones that have yet to be touched at all. I will continue to flush these out over the next month or so. I also plan on trying to do an update on hobby progress soon since I have been doing a lot of building lately.


Sunday, January 27, 2019

Painting Table #3 2019

These past two week I have had the joy of using my new wet pallet and finishing off the first batch of test of honor guys. I also finished up construction on the warlords and had some fun painting with my kids.

Here are the photos of the first batch of finished test of honor guys.

Next I will be finishing off the next chunk of guys for test of honor. Then I will move on to the Titans and remaining Test of Honor guys.

I'll put up a review of my new wet pallet next and a painting update when I get more done.


Sunday, January 13, 2019

Painting table #2 2019

This week saw me with very little chance to sit at my desk and paint. Though I did make a bit of progress on a handful of guys. I plan to try and push this more next week. On the other hand I did mostly build two warlord titans. Just a bit more armor, weapons and magnets to go.

 More next week.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Painting Table #1 2019

Sorry about the lateness of this post. I originally published all on Sunday evening from my phone and it seems to have failed.

This week I built and magnetized four warhounds and two reavers. Then built some additional guys for Test of Honor.

Then I also base coated and started putting color on all these test of honor guys.

That's all for last week. More this weekend.
