Sunday, December 30, 2018

Painting Update

This past week saw me with some vacation and no kids. So I finished off the goliath gang that has been sitting on my desk the last 6 months and also painted up my escher gang. The skin on both gangs is strange because of the experimenting with different skin paints and washes. Fyi vallejo skin was is supper redish brown.

I did do other things as well such as basing a bunch of test of honor minis and starting assembly of others.
More next week.

Thursday, December 27, 2018


This blogs whole point will be much like my old blog found here. At the moment I am looking at posting at least 3 times a month mainly just with what I have managed to paint or posting up old stuff as I try to rebuild everything. So please standby well I try and get everything back in working order.

Thanx for stopping by. First post will be this Sunday and will be Necromunda stuff I have been working on forever.