First I built a few gates for gaslands. As well as a full set of templates and tokens. The kids and I even managed to get in two games.
Then lots of priming and some base coating. Followed by painting of my Titans.
To be honest there is still a ton more priming to do. With how bad the weather has been here air quality wise using my airbrush has been hard. So I have had to do a lot of it by hand. What's left to prime are all the arms and such for titans, the gates and another 50 or so models. But I started running out of space for drying stuff so decided to get some painting done first. Once I finish nailing down the basics for the titans I will run through them which will actually clear a good amount of space. Then the cars. At that point I should be able to either revisit the titans to finish off there arms and such or get back to work on the Test of honor stuff.
Will try to make sure to post more often.